learn techniques from a professional thai chef

achieve exquisite results

Join students from more than 30 countries who have learned may useful techniques from Krua Thai.

 Learn to cook high quality Thai dishes together with blending techniques from a professional Thai chef. We will reveal our trade secrets to you and will take you through each process step by step. Recipes are guaranteed to be the same as we use for the school’s exclusive outside catering. Students will be shown how to cook Thai food using various herbs to achieve the intensive flavour that Thais expect in high-quality cooking but that is difficult to find outside their country.

The course will cover essentials as follows:

  1. Introduction to traditional Thai cookery and the ingredients
  2. Accompanying sauces: You will learn how to make tamarind, fruity sauce and chilli fish sauce
  3. Cooking techniques suitable for either 1 portion or multiple portions
  4. The typical ingredients of Thai curry paste and the different ingredients in each curry
  5. Making homemade curry paste using Thai herbs – a natural medicine for long term health
  6. Advice on recipes that are suitable for deep freezing or for serving immediately
  7. Tips on food preparation to ensure pre-prepared dishes are ready to serve quickly
  8. Tuition and instruction on which ingredients are most suitable for commercial use
  9. Techniques to ensure pre-cooked dishes maintain the same taste as freshly cooked dishes
  10. The essentials of making stock in Thai cuisine
  11. Cutting style and techniques used for professional cooking
  12. Blending techniques for Thai cuisine
  13. Cookery processes in Thai cuisine and a lot more …

flexible service

Our service is very flexible, we set up the training to suit your needs. This is specific training to be able to use effective for your business.

About the course

Private tuition to ensure effective and productive training and time will be for only you. 100% hands-on training, including lunch. Recipes are provided for you to take home and practice your newfound skills at your own workplace.

What you will learn

From our vast experience in top-flight clients, our training will be professional but informal format to ensure students master the required skills in a very short time. Your 1-5 days training will be equivalent to 6 months of training in Thailand a Krua Thai ensures fast and efficient training.

You should ask your employer to sponsor this course as you will be able to monitor and develop better quality to ensure customer retention for their company. Kerry, Noon, Covent Garden soups, chain restaurants/takeaway, The Seafood company (Youngs), Holiday Inn, Boeing, superyachts all sponsored their staff. Food manufacturers have paid for their development chefs to come here. However, if you pay yourself you don’t need to tie up a contract.

You can choose any dishes to cover and we provide you extra to cover everything both how to develop the dishes using ready-made curry paste. 

example dishes

We train on approximately 4-8 dishes per day depending on how many you wish to cook for and your budget.

For example, if you wish to cook 4 dishes per day, there will be a lot of prep work for the first day to cover 3 days. You will learn a lot, however, not just 4 dishes! You will learn how to make fresh curry paste, proper accompaniment dishes, crispy garlic/oil, sauces, chilli in oil for hot and sour soup. All of these are extra dishes from the list. We will be able to cover all as we do mise en place prior to the training.

Example selections include:

Fruit carving and food presentation

Extend you training even further and include our specialist fruit carving lessons to take your skills to the next level!

We offer £250 for 7 designs fruit carving during your training (normally £675/pp/day)  which includes a free set of carving tools. If you wish please add into the bill. total 5 hours. we can split into 3 days.

Sample of training price: £550 for 4 dishes per training: x 5 =£2,750. Takeaway training technique: £550 for 4 dishes per training:, x 5 days=£2,750 .- We can do this for 3 days: at 7 – dishes per day for longer ie. till l 6- pm. Time can be longer as we need to cover all. At the same time, we will do Takeaway training. It will be the most invaluable training. You will see a big improvement after the training I can assure you. The training in just 3 days will enable you to fix the problem, and be able to develop or expand future dishes.

special offers

There are 2 options special offer:

3 x days training: 4 dishes per day training total 12 dishes @ £550/pp/day (or £130. 50 per dish) (normal £575/pp/day) : Total: £1,650.– Blending techniques, traditional cut and length, accompaniment dishes. 10 am – 4 pm.


3 days training: 7-8 dishes per day training total 25 dishes if you wish to do all: @ 800/day (or £80/per dish): total: £2,400–(normal price £130.50/per dish) concentrate on pure blending techniques and traditional cut and length. Accompaniment dishes.

(10 am – 6 pm.) Some ingredients ie. peel garlic, onion, wash vegetables, all will be ready for you as you already have these skills.

(if you choose this, you will be able to use every dot of your knowledge for your development. You can come back for more later.

Price and course description: To learn all dishes from the menu from ie. your chain takeaway and able to use this knowledge immediately from day 1. Training 3 days will take longer hours (10 am.-6 pm), this will cover cooking with Krua Thai secrets formula course takeaway training course .

The training outcome: You will see both top and medium cuisine which you will need to know. We offer after-sales service/training: 24/7 I will be answering/chat or to suit both parties. This will give you information and bring the results you need for work. I am very confident to say you will learn so much and it will be an eye opener to the secret trade of Thai cuisine.

Everything will be prepared and ready for training. No time will be wasted during the training to ensure the most effective and productive day.